Posts Tagged ‘best spirit animal answers’

In the previous blog post, I talked about a strategy for answering the “What animal would you be?” interview question.

As part of a recent team activity, my colleagues shared their choices and reasons why they would be a particular animal.

The team came up with several clever examples including some unique justifications. Hope it helps you brainstorm your own answer to the “What animal would be?” interview question.

Sample Answers for the “What animal would you be?” interview question

  • Elephant 🐘: intelligent, social, introverted
  • Waterbear: Tolerate extreme conditions, outlast anyone, microscoipc
  • Dolphin 🐬: communicative, social
  • Lion 🦁: courageous
  • Fox 🦊: clever, cunning, cute
  • Bird 🐦: fly, be part of a flock
  • Cat 🐱: independent, resilient
  • Dog 🐶: get attention, play with others
  • Flamingo: pink, be fashionable & stand out, travel in groups, and sleep on feet
  • Eagle 🦅: be free, troll others