Resume Tip: Keep it Simple

March 4th, 2009 by lewis

Alison Green wrote an excellent blog post titled “7 Things to Leave Off Your Resume.”  Here’s my advice on perfecting your resume:

  • Resist the temptation to include everything in your resume.  Don’t feel compelled to include every single career experience in your resume.  Surface the most relevant items for the reader, and a good way to do this is whittle down the haystack.  Keeping your resume slim makes it easier to scan.
  • Limit the customizations.  It’s more work for you, and customizations opens the door for mistakes.  For instance, you may spend an hour customizing your resume for the Google job, and whoops, you accidentally send that version to Microsoft!
  • Don’t overtweak your resume.  Once that resume looks good, stop playing with it.  Spend your time in other areas of your job search: networking, researching the industry, and preparing for interviews.

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